Afghanistan: The End of an Era
In Afghanistan, US Forces Chinook Helicopters airlift out the last of the Canadian troops
while circling Blackhawk gunships provide cover.
March 13, 2014: Kabul, Afghanistan
Today the Canadian Mission in Afghanistan comes to an end. The departure of our troops seems eerily similar to the final retreat of the US Forces from Viet Nam on April 29, 1975. We must strive to treat the men and woman of our military much better than was the fate suffered by the those returning from Viet Nam.
And as for the Afghan people, we can only hope the past twelve years of intervention in their country has not been in vein. Perhaps they will eventually find a more peaceful and secure future just as have the people of Viet Nam.
While the decade of one war is winding down, the seeds of a future pocket war continues as the Harper Government recently celebrated the sale of $10 billion worth of armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia. Why? “It’s the economy stupid!”
Canadian Troops Marching onto a US Chinook Helicopter in Kabul
Memories of comrades who gave their lives in Afghanistan
Viet Nam: The Final Day. An ignominious end to a military intervention. In Viet Nam the people were able to pick
up the pieces and have recovered. Hopefully, the Afghan people will be able to do the same.
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