Donald Trump: A Legacy of Lies and Hate
The Storming of the White House: Another riot or a planned action?
I originally thought the gathering crowd was similar to others over the past few years whenever Trump made the call. That all began to change when I watched news reports of the harassment of various legislators as they made their way to Washington.
It was certainly a rough ride for Senator Mitt Romney who stood against Trump’s call to overturn the election. Then watching Trump and Guiliani along with Trump family members and noteable Republicans urging on the crown, I changed my mind. It now seems overwhelmingly likely it was in fact an attempted coup, not just poor judgment on the part of a group of ill-tempered Trumpsters.
On a FB Post, I intended to add a series of photos of the invasion of the White House by the Proud Boys, White Supremacists and sundry others. FB stopped that plan, advising my photos did not meet “community standards”. I continued searching for photos and videos of the live-action and the more I’ve watched it seems clear that key elements of the invasion where dead set on taking hostages if not killing key people.
This was not just another riot as we’ve seen happen in several states over the past few months, it was a deliberately staged event designed to prevent the House from confirming Biden’s election as President. Granted, there were likely dozens of individuals who were just caught up in the moment as happens in every riot but lurking in the background, there were also dozens of well-trained individuals who appeared to be fully prepared to take hostages and to completely disrupt the order of government in the US Capital. These folks were well-armed, well trained and capable of doing the bidding of their leader, the President.
We can only hope the saner heads among the US and State authorities will find the ways and means to fully investigate these events and will hold those responsible by laying criminal charges including sedition. Following is a slideshow of the photos I downloaded and beyond that, I’ve included a few videos by others that reveal what went on inside the White House.
1. Donald Trump: A Legacy of Lies and Hate
2. MSNBC Report the day after the attack
This follow-up broadcast includes several videos of events inside the White House that captures the full extent of the mayhem and makes clear it amazing that more people weren’t killed or injured. (MSNBC Link)
3. NDTV Report and Video Clip
A video clip in this report made by Donald Trump Jr., (photo left) at a tented event somewhere outside the White House. It is abundantly clear from this video that the entire Trump family and several White House Staff along with sundry others were watching at the events unfolded. In the Donald Jr. clip, he even refers to a countdown towards the time of the invasion. (Donald Jr. Video Clip, scroll down page)
NOTE: Donald Jr’s voice is slightly out of sink at the beginning but the following video seems to make it clear it was a live view of the Trump event. Near the end of the video Donld Jr. states something to the effect “it’s only a couple of seconds now….”
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